I won’t restate the obvious but it seemed there was more fire on both sides of the line the second half. Betsy ross flag alabama crimson tide shirt That’s a plus, even without my rose colored glasses. Two pretty evenly matched teams offensively. Martinez looked good out of the pocket.
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I have no problem losing games if a team hussles and fights. This team does not do that. Stupid penalties, blown coverages. How many times do you have to rush a QB with 4 players and realize it’s not working. They barley blitzed. Where is the same pass rush that was in the CO game? I knew it would be a long season but this is sad. Officiating by far. Betsy ross flag alabama crimson tide shirt A personal foul early in the game that was never revealed what it was. Failure at know the true rule of roughing the passer and calling holding on perfect blocks. Pretty easy to say who was worse. He is the man for the job. Even if it takes 2, 3, or 4 seasons, we WILL be a team winning at all levels.
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The lack of discipline on our recent teams has created whiny selfish players who can’t function as a team. There are still players on our team with this mentality and until coach Frost can recruit the type of guys he needs in every starting position, we are going to struggle. Many of us said last year with our difficult schedule that we might not win a game all season. As long as we see glimmers of improvement on the field, I am more than prepared to be patient as coach Frost and his staff bring us back to the program we all strive for. The refs didn’t lose this game for us, but their ridiculous calls came at critical times.
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