You choice to put yourself in that kind of predicament to become a druggy! Groot woodford reserve full printing shirt You made ur bed then lay in it. I have no sympathy! Brain disorder my ass you started doing drugs so it changed ur brain chemistry u did it to yourself just stfu.
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i knew every thing i was doing was wrong. Woke up one day and said im done and its been buried for ten years now from start to finish addict to recovery it was 1000 percent my fault Addiction is an illness. Try your best to find an addict maybe an alcoholic. It really doesn’t matter what is being used by the person Groot woodford reserve full printing shirt who is self medicating. Your biological is a tortured soul. May really want to love you yet considers “ I can’t do that to my son.
Make him be will me a sick ill person that will be not good to my boy. I can’t bare to let him go but i must. He must grow up unencumbered by any bad mess I will get him into. This can be true about your biological just as much as you assuming anyone can change if they just want it enough. That is not how illness works. An amputee can’t just hope the limb back. nobody put a gun to your head to start getting high n keep doing it!