but also Sickle Cell Anemia Awareness Month and Suicide Awareness Month. Floral black woman breast cancer warrior shirt Those are just 3 that I know of, there may be more for that month. I do get what you’re saying but so many things overlap and it’s impossible to do them all.
Floral black woman breast cancer warrior shirt
I totally agree. I wish we could get all others and diseases recognized. They go all out for breast cancer but you never hear of any others. It just sucks because we are never recognized. Do you really need the white house to shine a light for you? If you want to raise awareness, by all means do that, please. It’s not the Government’s, or society’s job to coddle people. Floral black woman breast cancer warrior shirt People need to learn to do things for themselves, and not expect the government to help because they won’t. I just posted about childhood cancer even before I saw your post.
My grandson has had 2 relapses and had car t procedure collecting his cells and engineering the and put back in as smart cells I am a huge advocate for childhood cancer. She is just saying it would be nice if the White House recognized it. I am a breast cancer survivor so I appreciate it. My grandson has had leukemia and the money for research is far below the money for breast cancer research. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

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