I bet she was uncooperative as all get out when all she had to do is say Floki vikings all over printed blanket ” oh sorry…Ill turn down the radio” instead she refused to answer the door and then starts praying and ignoring their questions claiming religious freedom. Whatever…
Floki vikings all over printed blanket
so, let’s translate what this lying religious nutjob is saying. she was playing religious programming on her radio way too loud, someone complained, and the police were called in. it really is as simple as that. do what you like in your own home, but do not cause an issue for your neighbours. Floki vikings all over printed blanket dudes, don’t be such tools. can’t you tell this is a russian bot site just trying to stir controversy?
this whole story is such bullshit no one in their right mind would believe it. do us all a favor and stop clicking on the bait this crap site posts! She was slurring her speech. Something seemed off about this. I dont know how someone could be arrested for saying a prayer. Thats not against the law in the USA. Something tells me their is more to the story. Sounds to me like they showed up on official business and she got fanatical religious on them.