Iron Man has to sacrifice himself to stop Thanos. It’s why Dr Strange couldn’t let Stark die and had to give Thanos the Time gem. Shame that Warlock isn’t included. Cthulhu and star wars stormtrooper mashup shirt Marvel had been doing a really great job of staying true to the comics. These amazing stories already exist, just bring them to life on the big screen!
Cthulhu and star wars stormtrooper mashup shirt
A giant crack in the sky appears as they try to take off the gauntlet again. Distracted by this, the fail in removing it and Thanos blasts them off him Descending from the sky you hear the new song Ashes being sung vocally as Deadpool hurls towards Thanks, who dismembers him Cthulhu and star wars stormtrooper mashup shirt Thinking this is the end, he turns his attention elsewhere only to hear non stop laughing and jokes being made between being out of breath DP holds up his finger urging Thanos to wait as he catches his breath, the big bad boss, understandably confused walks towards him and punches him into the air, not noticing the grenade by his foot.
it goes off, doing nothing more than causing a distraction, DP charges him and punches as hard as he can at Thanos’ chest, breaking his hand, as he did in his own movie against Calluses. In a fit of cursing he states he thought that would work, and then takes out a pea shooter from his underwear, firing at Thanos. At this point the remaining Avengers join in and help the fight, while DP makes fun of their outfits, actors, and names. Annoyed by the the fighter, Thanos starts beating him into the ground. To which DP makes slurs against him such as calling him a giant purple cock. The fighting goes on for another few minutes, somehow resulting in DP loosing his arm from the elbow down. Which he takes his sword, tapes it to his hand and throws it at a distracted Thanos, piercing his head. DP then makes an over sexualized joking reference to Thor, something like: You always aim the money shot at the head! And then he does a dance while singing Celine Dion
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