I know you have so many comments on here. It’s really hard to catch up on all messages. I just want you to know, that I am in a really hard place right now in life. Staar Wars may the skills be with you shirt I find inspiration in the videos you post. You help to get my head clear of what truly matters in life. I thank you for what you do. You truly matter in people’s lives. You matter in my life.
Staar Wars may the skills be with you shirt
He continues to be my daily motivation in the biggest way possible . I absolutely love listening to how he makes us visually see and hear things we realize that is right in front of us but we are missing these moments because we are too busy pleasing others. I would like to know how many of you guys tell your parents drive safe I love you before they leave the house?? Tell your friends before they go out be safe I love you? Say hello to an random person just walking down the street? Staar Wars may the skills be with you shirt This is a truly incredible insite. If only everyone could be like him. But we are not all superheroes. Some grow up differently and get influenced by so many things. Its hard to have this kind of mindset. EMPATHY. SPIRITUALITY. GOD. Our society is designed to push us away from ourselves. Especially in recent years with the evolution of the internet and social media.
Maybe you should press pause, press reset, and take an moment to become more aware honey ms.angel lol its not going beyond the surface because we are the surface it’s about a knowledge and if you would a knowledge him for what he’s doing would of been fine great but the fact you took your precious time to listen to the message and not understand the message is the reason why it’s so hard it’s about how you took the time to come to his page and put him down and guess what honey your judgements were not needed over here if you didn’t like what he said you could’ve gone about your day right??? Even if you didn’t understand the message you could’ve let it go ya know it’s people like you that make things messy. To hard headed to truly comprehend but it’s okay ma
Have a nice day and enjoy these new designs

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