No, you won’t! You just sold America to Russia! You shredded the Constitution! You just killed America! You will be impeached! Do us a favor and resign Now!!! We said the SAME things about Obama. Make america great again immigrants feed america shirt The difference is. There’s actual evidence against the Obama’s but anyone who goes against them mysteriously dies nobody would even try to get him impeached.
Make america great again immigrants feed america shirt
Have you been in a coma for your entire adult life? Or just ignorant to what’s been going on in government all these years? Our Constitution hasn’t matter for a long time. Our dollar has no value. We take deals from countries we have no business associating with so our politicians can line their pockets with dirty money. If you’re okay with that then Trump will be the least of your worries. Keep repeating yourself. It doesn’t make it true lol this is the result of the complete dumbing down of America right here. Unable to think for yourself and just goes along with the masses. Make america great again immigrants feed america shirt Get with reality girl! Read a book. Turn off the TV. Use your brain and rrreeeaaalllyy try hard to learn things other than what the MSM reports. I know it’s asking a lot and takes a bit of effort but I promise you it works. Also using common sense helps. Some people are born with it and some clearly aren’t.
Enjoy your time with this awesome design
America? Ignorant people. America is a continent divided in south,central and North America. America is not a country he is the president of United States of America. Go back to elementary school. he can not be impeached unless he has done something. Unlike Clinton who lied under oath, and robbed 20 million dollars worth of furniture from the white house and returned 1 million of it. And the 33k emails? Benghazi?? Blaming it on a youtube video? You must be kidding me? Every question that was asked to ag loretta lynch she plead the 5th. If anyone is to be impeached.
Hillary should have been removed and Bernie take her place. Oh and she rigged the democratic election under from Bernie nose. You call Trump a racist? Hillary hired Debbie Wasserman the day after she got fired from the democratic comittee for wtiting antisemitic messages against bernie because she feared his religion would affect our relationship with the middle east? Yet why didn’t the democrats blame Russia for that email hack and the democratic election then?
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