Pope Francis said the “wall of nationalism” could not stop the pandemic across borders, calling for global solidarity, sharing a Covid-19 vaccine. The Urbi et Orbi blessing (for Rome and the world) this year took place from the pulpit inside the Vatican on December 24, instead of the central balcony of St. Peter in front of tens of thousands of attendees as every year.
Pope urges sharing of Covid-19 vaccine
Covid-19 and its economic and social impacts dominate Pope Francis’ message. He called for global solidarity and help to countries suffering from conflict and humanitarian crises. “In a time marked by ecological crisis and severe social and economic imbalance caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, it is more important to acknowledge that we are brothers and sisters. “, said Pope Francis.
Pope Francis stressed health is an international issue and appeared to criticize so-called “vaccine nationalism”, which UN officials fear will exacerbate the pandemic situation as countries The poor receive the last vaccine. “May the children of God continue the spirit of international cooperation in political and governmental leadership, starting with medical care, so that all are guaranteed access to vaccines and treatment. Faced with the challenge of crossing borders, we cannot erect walls. We are all in the same boat,” the Pope said.
Italy ordered a nationwide blockade during Christmas and New Year, preventing people from going to St. Peter in Rome or the Basilica of St. Peter attends papal events. These events are all held indoors. Christmas Mass at the Vatican began two hours earlier than usual so that a few attendees could get home before 10 p.m., when the curfew went into effect. Pope Francis said Christmas is an occasion to help others because Jesus was born a poor, outcast.
“May the Child of Bethlehem help us to be generous, supportive and helpful (others), especially those who are vulnerable, sick, unemployed or struggling due to the economic impact of the pandemic. epidemic, women who have suffered domestic violence during these months of lockdown,” Pope Francis said.
The Pope called for peace and reconciliation in Syria, Yemen, Libya, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Sudan, Nigeria and Cameroon and Iraq. He also asked for consolation to those suffering from humanitarian crises in Burkina Fasso, Mali, Niger or natural disasters in the Philippines and Vietnam. Covid-19 broke out in December 2019, appearing in 218 countries and territories with nearly 80 million infections, nearly 1.8 million deaths and more than 56 million people having recovered.
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