A man should never touch a woman like that! And vice versa.. Up movie to my wife never forget that I love you blanket That wasn’t a caring touch.. That was a straight up slap. Staged or not.. She said Ow. That’s not even right. he wasn’t trying to hit her. It was accidental. He was trying to hit that cigarette.
Up movie to my wife never forget that I love you blanket
I wouldn’t treat my spouse like he was abusive if he wasn’t truly abusive. Call the police with this being recorded and you’d go to jail for wasting police time and they might get petty and try to say you were being harmful to a unborn child I don’t understand why everyone’s saying he’s such a wonderful, gentle husband. He seems to be controlling and possibly abusive to me. Up movie to my wife never forget that I love you blanket I can’t imagine my husband ever slapping my hand like that, for any reason. but you know this is about a new life or?
If I would be a man I would also slapp that Zigarette away from her hands.. Its called father Instinkt. If your man allows you to drink and smoke and take drugs while u are pregnant..well good for you. But the way he reacted was because he was shocked and love his unborn child to much to let his crazy wife hurt this baby.. So for me there is no abuse.. I understand being upset about that, I do. If I were in his shoes I might even be really angry! But there is no excuse for hitting someone, ever.
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