which should be reserved for conservatives. United states marine corps american flag blanket If we can’t live together in peace like mature adults, we should be separated like children. Stop destroying our History & honor those who gave their lives for freedom.
United states marine corps american flag blanket
Stop erasing history and go back to history class!!! Learn from our mistakes so they are not repeated! It is called knowledge…not socialist rhetoric and the erasure of everything you do not agree with!!! It’s not the numbers or the ability to out shout. It’s about freedom of expression and freedom of religious belief, United states marine corps american flag blanket and expressing those beliefs in public. If you’re an atheist, agnostic, Muslim, Hindu, Christian- we have a right to assemble,
have our religious holidays and our religious statues, mosques, churches, and celebrate our holidays in peace. We have to fight for freedom, not because we have the majority, but because each person is free to choose who or what they worship. Stand for freedom, not for mob rule. Maryland was formed to give Catholics a place where they could live protected from the mob that hated and persecuted them. We need to bring that back and extend it to other states like Texas,