Had I had it my way I’d have definitely have gotten a career and brought my own home FIRST. But the pill failed and I fell pregnant on contraception Telling an angry farm girl to calm down works about as well as trying to baptize a cat shirt so we decided to-do the kid part first as hard as it’d be haha. I’ve been with my partner 10 years next year!
Telling an angry farm girl to calm down works about as well as trying to baptize a cat shirt
I find mum life easy. It comes so naturally to me I love it. I run mum groups through our weeks and many support groups, sucks when I’m sick and hubby still has to work and I still have to-do everything as per usual!! Especially the fact both our kids were exclusively breastfed and woke up minimum 4 times a night until they were 1yo that was tiring and some days were a struggle but always manageable. Perhaps due to youth being on my side just one of them Telling an angry farm girl to calm down works about as well as trying to baptize a cat shirt actually I actually googled it honestly for like 25 minutes and there’s nothing that came up at all and there was many articles about the divorce and all of it alluded to as a fact that she was on drugs and he was working all the time. I also watch the show religiously and I never have heard her allude to Jeremy being abusive
Don’t be ridiculous. Wearing a seatbelt is automatic. She should be leading by example. It’s selfish for her to not wear one, she’s a mother! If she’s in a crash she’ll probably go through the windscreen. Why don’t you attend crashes where someone didn’t wear a seatbelt…then come back to me with your dumbass comments. How many people die from a seat belt? Stuck in a car because you can’t get it unbuckled! No matter what she does you trolls always pointing out ever small detail to Make her look bad… And I also rewatched the clip she did have it on. And her Choice doesn’t effect you so troll somewhere else. Ps I’ve seen crash sites of ppl not wearing seat belts I’ve also seen where ppl had belts on n it did nothing for then or r the cause of their injuries
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