Kindness is for your soul not the benefit of others. I sleep well I never have bad dreams I am never afraid I am rarely angry. I live peacefully if you live a kind life it comes back to you, Talk all the shit you want about me but once you bring my family into it shirt not necessarily from the one you gave it to but from others. You begin to surround yourself with like minded people. Improve your character improve your life
Talk all the shit you want about me but once you bring my family into it shirt
Acting out of kindness or good will isn’t about being nice and holding a door for everyone and letting yourself be stepped on. It’s about helping people that you cross in your path of life that can use the help..not necessarily meaning to go back and try to help everyone. Pay it forward.That’s my opinion anyways but the one person you help, who is a stranger to you, just make them realise they are worthy. I suffer with depression, one particular bad day I had a doctors appointment. Talk all the shit you want about me but once you bring my family into it shirt I was stood at the bus stop feeling like not wanting to go to the appointment. A women said good morning to me, I said the same. Still feeling like. As we got on the bus she said to “God bless you” and smiled. I don’t know if you are religious,I am. That remark made me feel better. It cost her nothing, but that small remark made the difference to me.
I’m not likely to meet her again but I will never forget just how she made me feel that day. And when I’m “ in my black hole of depression “ I remember what that lady said to me and it still makes me feel that little bit better. So her act of kindness to me has stayed with me for months and maybe even years. Life can hand us a bad deal, heartache & this world can be cold & cruel at times but there is always good happening as well. There are still good, decent human beings doing good in & for our world. And the little & simple acts of kindness go a long way.
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