Ives your comment was very clear but sometimes people just choose to find something to jump on other people about. Some nanas cuss and will kick your ass if you mess with their grandkids shirt And yes it is sad that she is still his prisoner. I hope she finds real peace and love one day
Some nanas cuss and will kick your ass if you mess with their grandkids shirt
I get what you are saying. You wish she had recovered better and been able to love & be loved. Her loss was only compounded bc of the damage she received from that one relationship. Not her fault. But very sad. So much loss. I think you guys are misunderstanding OP’s comment. Some nanas cuss and will kick your ass if you mess with their grandkids shirt She’s not blaming the victim or saying she did anything wrong. She’s lamenting about how said it is that she felt like a prisoner whether he was physically there or not, and even after she escaped. It’s incredibly sad that anyone is ever made to feel like this.
I agree with you entirely. It’s tragic that her entire adult life has been distorted by this man’s actions. Please ignore the people who jump to the attack without considering whether they fully understood your comment. I know exactly what Stefanie meant and her comment was absolutely from a dear heart – you can stay a prisoner to your abuser for many years even after you’ve “got away”. I love that this comment thread has cleared up any confusion and that we are talking maturely and understanding – very rare on the Internet!
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