Or maybe they should keep on living their lives, and getting along so they can lay a good foundation to build a future on. That would most likely lead to them getting back together. Satan God is busy can I help you shirt The bottom line is they have chemistry, and have obviously already been “hanging out”. What was between them was never finished in the first place.
Satan God is busy can I help you shirt
It always good to out some time in between a relationship so each person can do some growing up, and then try again in the future. That’s what is takes sometimes when you get together at a young age. Some people obviously eont get it. so you like toxic relationships? That’s unfortunate. They divorced for a reason, because it was toxic. They made that choice because they knew the relationship was bad for their daughter and for themselves. Satan God is busy can I help you shirt What’s important here is their coparenting successfully and everyone is happy. The focus should be on that. people can’t says wtf they like tho ! Who tf are u to tell her thanks for wanting a toxi relationship ! She cleary see something good in them ! The old stuff is different then the new ! U act like u know them personally to even insinuate what’s good for them
Get this badass item and be cool with it

I see a lot of comments saying she’s gone be fine cause this happened when my child had an infection blah blah ok I pray she is ok and I’m happy y’alls kids are ok . I’m glad the Dr is taking xtra precautions and her daddy and mama . My lymph nodes were swollen I brushed it off , by the time I went to the Dr I was already stage 4 . I praise God everyday for healing me . This is nothing to just say oh it’s nothing cause my child !!!! They are being great parents and making sure sweet Addie is ok . I pray it’s nothing . But don’t shame a parent because they care!!

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