Remember what it was like to have a great, classy, dignified President and to feel that everything was going to be fine in America. That there was someone Ronald reagan riding a velociraptor shirt strong watching over America working hard to better the country in all ways. A once in a lifetime
Ronald reagan riding a velociraptor shirt
I can hear his voice, even to this day. I was just a 20-something kid but President Reagan made me feel safe. I wish he were Commander-in-Chief for our men and women serving today. I have a Marine son. I wish. Oh how I wish. Wish we had Mr. Reagan back. There has never been a more Presidential, patriotic, caring, effective President elected. He was a wonderful man who made us proud of the USA and we had a feeling of security. Ronald reagan riding a velociraptor shirt That is gone thanks to idiots like Bill Clinton & NoBama. I only wish President Reagan would come and be our president again. He will always be the president in my book, and someone who understood the heart of America and people across this world. Reagan was thr champion of freedom and he desired that to all people in this world. If only people today can realize the true meaning and thoughts of President Reagan.
Get it and hang out with it

President Reagan loved us and always thanked us for taking our time to listen to him. He had integrity, was firm when he needed to be, he had honor, and he always wanted what was best for America. I miss him. He was a great President!! We need candidates with character like this!! What we have today is so sad compared to President Reagan even if you didn’t back him he was for America and its people not who’s wife was best or petty issues. We had a candidate with character much like Reagan’s, but then the hoards of Trump-Pets came to life and ruined our country with their blind-devotion to their madman candidate. I loved Nancy and Ronald Reagan and He was the best President in my time but now we need another one that can do the same.Pick our country up and make it better.Trump is the only one who can do that because he doesn’t have to do favors for anyone but the country and the American People.A lot better choice than Hillary.

We are still waiting for the trickle down effect that he said would happen. His saving grace was he didn’t say how long it would take. He sold arms to the very people you are now scared of , so if that makes him great in your eyes, you need to set your visionary standards to a higher goal. He did all the things you condemn our president of today for doing, you know, like taking vacations, not attending funerals you think he should attend,etc. I remember being in my late teens when he was President. Dad and I watching his speeches and press conferences. And always walking away, feeling happier and more patriotic. I’m so glad I was blessed to have shaken his hand. Mr President, you are missed.
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