Global Warming the biggest MYTH going the world has cycles of hot and cold My sister has the best brother ever shirt it’s been the same since before the dinosaurs, if they where really worried instead of Taxing the life out of us all they’d build a Giant Air purification Tower
My sister has the best brother ever shirt
or start cleaning the seas with some of there devices all theses are possible Gather up some dead baby seals and feed him, if you want. Natural deaths in the wild for old and injured animals involve suffering and are painful to watch. If they’re not going to feed it, they should just shoot it and put a quick end to its pain. An island offers limited hunting for a bear population as it is. My sister has the best brother ever shirt Why not run the scandal about the scientist recently hounded by alarmists for proving the polar bear scare has been grossly exaggerated ?..This bear could be suffering any sort of ailment Not global warming. The planet has gone threw a few changes in its life.
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If we think that are small time here upset the balance of the planet then your more then welcome to change. But.. The next ice age will still happen. The next Tropical time will still happen. We have become the be all and end all. It’s time for another wipe out of a species. Us! Please read about these natural climate cycles known as Milankovich cycles. This current warming not match any past natural climate cycle.
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