To each his or her own, but I would disagree that her choice was poor in any sense. A marriage is part of your life, not the other way around. Her life thrives better leaving and his life thrives better staying (I assume and hope so), Some sisters cuss too much it’s me I’m some sisters shirt then they should make the best decision for each of themselves. Some people may only thrive when being with someone, moving or staying, and that is great as well but it is only for them. After all nothing is really for life except your actual life.
Some sisters cuss too much it’s me I’m some sisters shirt
To each his or her own, but married or not, I enjoy the companionship of a partner. We don’t know how many years went by in between, or their religion, or family expectations they might have wanted to meet. I enjoyed the part where she was generous to her past that had brought her to her future. Some sisters cuss too much it’s me I’m some sisters shirt I believe she loves two men in her heart with reciprocity, and she is blessed for that. I can’t imagine living in these type of poor economic times, hardest for women if the men can’t even get jobs. She could have stayed and had limitations to the activities should could participate because there was just no money.
But she moved and she flourished, that’s the kind of story I like to read here. To answer your question, if we following such tradition, the first husband has no responsibility to go where they can afford to live and work together? I think it is on him and some people cannot move far from where they were planted. I still love this story and the comments from the cat killer was just silly fun and I’m glad it didn’t get too ugly. Have a wonderful day, may we all find and keep life long loves (for those that want this). I’m keeping my heart open for mine
Get these badass items and have a nice day

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