the child could have needed something and a mother would have tryed to settle Iron maiden skull carbon pm 2,5 face mask her child but at same time why was she being so nasty in a public place did she like the attention
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I have a 3 year old son who drives me absolutely nuts, but I always make time to let him know how much I love him and how handsome and precious he is to me.. Iron maiden skull carbon pm 2,5 face mask As my reward i get plenty of kisses on my face each day and every now and then he will look at me and say mom you are so beautiful. I love you. Never let a day go by without letting your children know how beautiful and precious they are to you.. The rewards and ripple effects of that is something that cannot be captured with words. and for the record I was getting fucked and u were commenting again about some shit that u already commented on earlier no sweetie u didn’t strike a nerve its fb its gonna take a lot more than that to post me off
I did ty I’m tired of going back and forth with you dont u play bingo, or even hang out with the other elderly people in the common area at the old people’s home instead of texting everyone that’s right and in the USA we don’t use the word pratt no wonder I didn’t know what that meant its tried not tryed learn how to spell before u start sending messages to people regarding how they feel about how this mother handled the situation maybe that’s what they do where you are from but here people know how to mind their own business when it comes to other people’s children I would think if you aren’t providing for this kid or better yet you don’t even know who this person is now it’ll be one thing if u knew this person but the lady had no clue who they were, that lady is lucky that wasn’t some young person looking to kick someone’s ass cause she was most definitely asking for it how did she know it was a tantrum