I’m sorry this has happened to you. and Canada has extended our border closing with U.S. day of the dead sugar skull lady all over printed face mask ..rushing back to somewhat normalcy of the U.S. economy has back fired
day of the dead sugar skull lady all over printed face mask
I know who extended it then Trudeau extended it again you mutt. Even though the economic landscape has changed there is a reason Trudeau is never welcome in Alberta I lived in Alberta for 20 years, day of the dead sugar skull lady all over printed face mask I know people like you with the redneck omnipotent mentality are the minority thankfully!! Alberta is a mess right now, maybe you should go tell Kenney to diversify instead of relying on one industry. don’t be move …and when you gonna have a major surgery pass the border leadership… he’s a dink. It’s the United beliefs of our provincial leaders that has made us weather the storm BC has it under control. Our curve is practically non existent compared to everywhere else in the country and world. Canada isnt doing bad as a whole, though.
Its because unlike certain baby men playing President our government ACTUALLY took action when we saw what happened to Italy. Makes sense. But then again common sense ain’t common in the USA. as a Canadian I see a lot of the people in the states act like a spoiled little child who has no idea how the real world works and whines about everything. Of course there’s lots of people like that here in Canada as well but the states population is so much larger so it’s more noticeable especially on social media and news outlets. wrong a lot of us have common sense… so which one are you The Greatest Country in the world not anymore! The USA Has become the laughing stock of the world we can’t even travel to Europe! I guess Trump got his wall in the end.