Yup, our generation was the last generation to believe that happiness requires commitment by ourselves, not our partner. We were raised to believe you get what you give. Hippie car german shepherd christmas shirt The new generation believes they should only give what they get and your partner is required to commit to your happiness.
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It is all backward! Guess who created this environment were all living in today? The baby booming divorce generation who destroyed love. It wasn’t the millenials breaking all the divorce records for the past 40 years, I can tell you that much. Did they know what true love means or was it just expected that they stay together? Hippie car german shepherd christmas shirt Personally I don’t think it’s healthy to stay in a marriage/relationship if you’re unhappy life’s too short! Nope, we were not expected to stay together.
We want to. And that requires a great deal of work, commitment, forgiveness and the willingness to put someone else’s needs and feelings before yourself. Different way of thinking. I have been married for 35 years. Pretty good track record I would say. If a person is looking for the perfect partner they need to look in the mirror first and ask Are YOU the perfect partner? it’s called love! I give to my family because I love them not because I expect anything in return.
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