this video my partner is not like that guy. Guinness foreign extra stout full printing ugly christmas sweater He’s amazing I appreciate all he does for me but most of the time it’s me that he doesnot appreciate coz when he comes home he make sure I am food to eat. He cooks for me coz I work late from work.
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man your every video make us cry and force us to re think about the situation that we are facing in life. Every time when we see your video we get a life changing lesson from it. Keep making videos. We love it. love from India I think both partner should contribute with the money and working, Guinness foreign extra stout full printing ugly christmas sweater not just the male or female. It sexist to think males role are meant for this and female roles are for this. Every human is equal

and we shouldn’t be seeing it as this is males and femalee roles in society. I only wish it always ended up so well. This was how my ex husband saw us. Even though he wouldn’t let me work until he decided he didn’t want to anymore. It was a mind set that his mother pushed in my face as often as possible. He supported me out of the goodness of his heart. His 2nd wife changed her mind about me not intentionally I am glad u make