Be whoever you want to be. It’s your life, your choice. But please be sustainable and find an alternative to that disposable wrap. It is really sad that our environment pays the price for our personal choices something you don’t choose. We need to talk about the elephant in the womb shirt They just are. There are no guarantees for any couple, whether hetro or trans or gay or lesbian. Each of those can be happy or unhappy…but the foundation comes from the feelings…the heart
We need to talk about the elephant in the womb shirt
Why y’all always quick to say this is sinful in God’s eyes,where is God he’s a coward.where was he yesterday when all those people who live by his rules were murdered.he has never been around when any bad happens.yall need to quit with this God bs.he has never really existed y’all just expressing learnt behavior same thing your parents taught you.oh and heaven and hell.its what you choose as you live. Do you find more delight believing We need to talk about the elephant in the womb shirt that you came from nothing and that once you pass a way all this life was worthless? Creation points to Gods existence and not mere “coincidence”. To know that God created you and I in His imagine, with purpose, and that life goes on even after death. That gives us meaning now!
People who refuse to give themselves to God, do evil things, such as killing. But death was never what God intended when He created Adam and Eve. His plan was life. Unfortunately Adam and Eve’s disobedience separated men kind from God for thousands of years, but we have a God that chose to not abandon us BUT give HIS life for us. Was that death fair?… No, a perfect God left heaven and its perfection for sinners, like us. so that we may be reunited with HIM! And in the end, the good will be rewarded and the evil will be paid for. Because we have a loving yet righteous God
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