Just to explain a little: I lost two houses that I’d invested in 10 years long (literally with blood and alot of sweat), I lost the relationship to my kids, Mickey mouse I’m not a regular nurse I’m a disney nurse shirt all my future plans and dreams, a dog, a cat, and , I almost forgot, the best paying job I had had to that point, plus, just all the things that give your life a sense of normalcy and security.
Mickey mouse I’m not a regular nurse I’m a disney nurse shirt
Unfortunately what that Boss behind the desk was really saying was he’s a self-absorbed jerk who fires people for not lying on the phone and making sales and ripping people off! But hey that guy was there 5 years with a company he built a Great reputation with. I’m sure God has something better for him and he has the same for everybody else as well I truly believe this is true great video Mickey mouse I’m not a regular nurse I’m a disney nurse shirt when one door closes its God directing us to a better door your right we should be grateful for those close doors love this video . Bad situations sometimes redirects you to something better…just keep on going and trying! God helps those who helps themselves! Until finally you achieve the best, failures come and go, just learn to accept and move on and do not keep looking back
Take it and hope you enjoy it

Not all can have fortune like this.. So be responsible while posting these kind of messages.. If it’s illegal, it’s illegal.. don’t try to make it so polished and legal.. but I respect your creation and the amount of positive energy it creates. this topic its painful Ive done lot of good things to my Friend and Boyfriend still I never get any blessing. Instead they betray me. Almost 2decade and study many different caurses untill now i can’t get the job that I qualified for. My life is on Pause for 20years. What is a meaning of this? Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. I accepted and let GOD. Sometimes in my life have been rejected by my love ones, my life became something i did not believe will surly come to pass, my God always strengthen me in life time so we all leave to witness this

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