No one needs to lie as specially in a marriage. You didn’t get my explanation about turning a blind eye. I meant to each others falts. Not cheating or lying. But tolerate each others short comings. It takes two to make a marriage work. when you love, you love everything in the person that is good. I like pig butts and I cannot lie shirt Being ugly and sickly is not bad. She did not choose to be that. It is the behavior and the attitude that man needs to be watchful. Love the good attitude and good behavior. Reject bad attitudes anf bad behavior.
I like pig butts and I cannot lie shirt
i was born with a genetic condition that can cause painful disfiguring tumors to grow anywhere on the body- my husband with a different health condition. We love each other more for it and dont take each other for granted. true love is nothing but blind… it’s actually honest beyond the imperfections… but the point is that absolutely no person is perfect and the good eyes should be seeing the best of the partner instead of making or bringing out the worst. We were all accepted and debt paid in full, but we all nit-pick, find fault and hold grudges for less than we have been forgiven for already….. I like pig butts and I cannot lie shirt this is the true love that is expected of us for our neighbors… those who are in our presence and surrounding us, like our community. i’m even working towards limiting my friends towards my local areas… this may take a while, and may not happen for several years, but, this will certainly happen… because i’d prefer all my friends and family in person
it is the inner beauty that counts. Granted when we first meet someone it is the outer beauty we seek but we fall in love with the kindness and that is real beauty. How come? If I were a man I will not do that ,I don’t understand that video sorry ,and suddenly death of a wife makes me curious maybe he planned it for his own good coz he is pretending hahaha and a big hahaha again Common folks look at you your old enough but you have a stingy tongue ,if that so ,why lots of broken vow ,I think you need an isolated place for your own comment ,and very disappointed,you called me stupid to my comments ,once in for all whites shows rudeness ,your old man just behave That is the point of the story and as I stated, I appreciate it. However, pretending to be blind for years is a difficult thing to put your partner through. I’m sure he had to ‘relearn’ to be independent and she had to be his support all along. This is not romantic.
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