That would change the world. America united, not divided. Hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair harry potter shirt That should be the hats and chants. It’s not about race. It’s about class division. The vast majority of America lives at, or very near, the poverty level for their location.
Hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair harry potter shirt
somehow both are true. We all matter, and that is a given. And Black lives matter, this is true too. I kind of look at it like this: If I went to a 4th of July parade and could appreciate all the folks involved, and thought they all were integral to the magnificence to the parade, it would make sense. Now if some of those folks were involved in an Irish-American parade, I could feel the same way. Hippie on a dark desert highway cool wind in my hair harry potter shirt To me Black lives matter, AND All lives matter. y’know? What is broken what rights are they talking about. We treat everyone “equally” but in reality no one is really equal no matter what no man is the same as another we have the same rights.
Welcome to the awesome collection!
We do have bad cops yes. Then point them out Can you imagine how much change can happen and how afraid the government is of everyone coming together like that. Black, White, and Brown. Forget race and come together as a people, as Americans for the common good and to actually make a difference. That’s why the media is trying to divide the country to prevent that from happening.
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