So true. I hate the stupid dating game because of the oh I shouldn’t text so soon because it makes me look desperate or he needs to text first or so on. Air jordan junkyard shirt I just wish people would be honest with each other these days. Say, I’m not interested rather than ghosting or hey I like you instead of playing games. Just say what you feel! Ugh! I hate dating…
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I’ve had so many times where I’ve let anxiety and my own self esteem get the best of me and I never end up telling the other person how I feel about them and have missed out on a lot of possibly good opportunities because of it. They are all beautiful and sweet potato but how long will they stay sweet potato . Charming someone is going to taste the test of time when they get wrinkled. Like a plant let it grow old. Air jordan junkyard shirt What then ‘ a century tree. pardon sorry when you cannot have any more makeup….pray. Well sometimes anxiety takes over you. And may impose pressure to the other party. Yes I do want love, but will I have the courage to accept another rejection again? It’s need 2 hands to clap. so simple yet complicated.
Telling someone how you feel is never a mistake. Even though he did not feel the same, it did hurt, but also set you free to move on If u are friends & u want something more based on d feelings u hv, u could pose a question & see how him/she reacts to it. I prefer one on one conversations, there u get to see, feel d person’s expression In my opinion, it creates a boundary wen one is not matured enough. More often, it’s d person u express ur feelings too that begins to create dat boundary if he/she does not feel d same way. D best thing for me is, keep an open mind. If d person feels d same way beautiful if he/she doesn’t, u could feel bad 4 sometime but never live in denial for truly letting out how u feel.
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