What are the connections between secret agents, door-to-door window salesman, zebras, huge raisins, and even Hawaiian hula girls? Apparently, it’s Christmas!
What is fake news and what is accurate in a Christmas story?
Schools around the country will stop at nothing to help spread Christmas cheer and find roles for as many of their students as possible as they recount the tale of Jesus’ birth with a festively generous dose of creative license. If these “cameos” don’t make you laugh, you’d be better off chewing a humbug. This makes me wonder how much of what I think I know about Christmas is based on the Bible, tradition, or my children’s school play. How many kings from the east came to see you? Were they, in fact, kings? Is it possible that they arrived the same night as the shepherds? Is it possible that the innkeeper sent the expecting couple to a stable? Should we truly believe the song’s claim that “no tears he made”?
Some people believe it’s all a hoax anyway, so who cares what happened? The Gospel of Luke, on the other hand, purports to be a piece of investigative journalism based on firsthand testimony. ‘ With this in mind, and having thoroughly researched everything from the start, I, too, have resolved to write an orderly account for you, most great Theophilus (Luke 1:3). This verse is a cornerstone of Christian conviction in the Bible’s historical accuracy. So, even if teachers get creative with embellishing the story for festive fun, it’s good to be reminded that behind all the decorations that make their way in at this time of year, there’s an original real story. This holiday season, here’s a Christmas challenge. Read the genuine nativity account in Luke’s or Matthew’s Gospels (in the New Testament section of the Bible). Look for stables, kings, or dinosaurs to see if you can find them.
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