I loved the whole season! Can’t wait to see it tonight! Well done to all who worked so hard to make it happen. Thank you for telling us this story! Widow’s wail oathkeeper heartsbane longclaw catspaw game of thrones shirt Update: after seeing the finale, I have one element that makes zero sense to me. How in seven hells does Bran become King of Westeros???
Widow’s wail oathkeeper heartsbane longclaw catspaw game of thrones shirt
I will because I love the series, but the last two seasons have been bad with writing. These opinions aren’t coming out of no fcking where. I dislike when an opinion is different from one’s own they try to categorize “haters”. Rather than doing research or hearing out the opinions you rule them out. I’ve seen many blog, YouTube videos, FB post to see why many long time fans are disappointed. You should try it. Widow’s wail oathkeeper heartsbane longclaw catspaw game of thrones shirt You have the literal intellect of a child if you call people “haters” that have the opposite of your opinion. The ignorance of your comment is simply retarded as are you. Of course people that have invested nearly 10 years of the series are going to tune into how it finishes. it’s funny how u say the haters will watch the finale anyway.
how else can one hate it, u have to see it to have an opinion on it. just because you enjoyed it, doesnt make others haters, learn to accept opinions that arent your own instead of being afraid of them. learn to accept others having other opinions because everyone is different and enjoy different things. with that said. this season is a fucking joke.To me and of course, most book fans and people who has followed Game of thrones since the very beginning. If you had to ask why, well, you eothrr havent been paying attention OR you can not tell apart masterful storywriting from George RR Martin and the pretenders of the double David’s.
The moment when the source material had been exhausted, the show was.more focused.of rushing it to the end instead of telling a good story. Fav actors get to live and slay major bad guys with no consequences. While bad guys that take 7 seasons to build up is ended in a 35 minute scene. I can go on n on, but I believe if you enjoy a deep lore, suspenseful writing, interesting plot twists, carefully planned story roots, ironic ends, character development and of course epic atmosphere… then season 8 is considered a disappointment. a Major disappointment. but if you enjoyed it, I also understand, you may have enjoyed the visuals, the character scenes, humor, intense fight scenes, which is all good. you do you. but do respect others for enjoying other things.
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