But at the same time we need to remember they are just accusations and Vintage grand paw dog lover shirt that they need to be supported and there needs to be evidence corroborating them and remember that it is innocent until proven guilty and that the defendant gets his/her due process.
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I didnt realize how much that sort of thing actually happened and how common it was until i actually looked it up. Really eye opening and sad for those men who will never get what they lost fully back…so yeah im not saying we should just throw those accusations to the side because they need to be taken serious so that those who really have had that happen arent too scared to come forward and are comfortable enough to do so. Vintage grand paw dog lover shirt Because lately with wll these cases it seems to have becoming guilty until proven innocent and that is scary for anyone accused of anything not just this. And think its a slippery slope to go down that path..i dnt think its all black and white like people make it out to be. But theres gray areas in most and people can be in the middle and support parts on each side and disagree with some on both.
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I have nothing against Muslims. It’s a matter of having the decency not to abuse the kindness your host country has shown, especially when you have not given them anything in return. People like you are Germans to my mind, regardless of whether you have German citizenship. But if millions of people from my country of birth came to Germany and engaged in criminal and or terrorist activities I would want to have them deported immediately. My loyalty belongs to Germany and its people. If that is “right wing” in your books, then so be it. I don’t care whether you are brown, black, green or purple. But, since you are on a racism trip, please explain why Germans got along so well with so many different races and creeds before 2015. Could it be that they just don’t like being robbed or attacked, regardless of their assailant’s race, creed or color?
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