I know folks who struggle with religious guilt every day even as they struggle with not believing anymore, Vintage best dad ever superhero shirt because of how deeply parents inculcate their brand of religion as the only one true way to be a good person.
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Unconditional love is showing forgiveness, it is seeing just as we are! As one! It is creative thinking outside of the self! Give as to others as I have for you! There reign s freedom in the heart! That’s what’s wrong with the world today. Everyone tells you how to raise your child. As a parent I love my children. But I do have expectations from them. I expect them to be descent human beings and live by morals. In this world today the problem Is everything goes. Vintage best dad ever superhero shirt No matter what you do it’s ok. Because people are different. I’m curios what your philosophy is. This idea comes from a book I’ve read called the Awakened family, I really enjoy her perspective. Why is this idea garbage to you? What is your alternative thought?
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she’s not wrong that some parents project their inadequacies on their kids and that’s a problem, but “a child is the perfect example I’d wholeness” is the same tabalarassa nonsense that philosophers tried and failed. One of our main primary jobs as a parent is to make our child socially likable. We do this, or the grow up in a world where half the world dislikes them openly, and the other half pretends around them. Psychodynamicly, if your kid is frustrating you, they probably frustrate other people. It’s not good development for them. We love our kids unconditionally, of course, but that’s not the big missing piece. The missing peice is how to set limits and enforce limits while loving them.
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