Here’s the thing though arts has become less and less mainstream and more and more internally funded over the years. So when economies start to crash. Ursula vacay mode balloon mickey mouse shirt Jobs start to become scarce and people are beginning to panic. We still have jobs because rarely is art funded by the government taught by the schools and accepted by the system.
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I’m not hating on the arts, or artists. I’m advocating being realistic. I’m advocating people not burying their heads in the sand. I’m advocating making sure adults don’t lie and deceive children in the name of being “encouraging,” because they can’t eat that encouragement later to compensate for the food they can’t buy. Encourage them to have a back-up plan instead, then, if anything. “Most of us” maybe, I can’t claim to know who you know, Ursula vacay mode balloon mickey mouse shirt but I have not seen any studies about artists who also have skills in x area. But that doesn’t change whether or not they are able to make a living on just their art.
I used to love to draw when I was a kid. I was told that my achievement test scores placed me in a science or math field and that I shouldn’t waste my time in art. I got a degree in a health care profession (where I was taught how to mix chemicals) and was miserable. I loved helping people but hated the red tape and being stuck inside on my feet for 10, 12, or 14 hours a day. I have always loved the arts, especially photography, because I can use my nerdy and artistic sides with that lovely box and all its dials. Self-taught photography, self-taught graphics and web design. Have built a handful of sets on stages using math and my power tools. Just need some more clients.
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