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It was interesting that his talk was about finding healing through discovery of purpose and reason in Christ and then a one second flash of Buddhist monk robes appear. Buddhism is a philosophy/religion that isn’t concerned with truth, purpose or meaning. You’re simply a rebirth of previous karmatic unpayable debt. Unicorn christmas light shirt There is no hope or comfort in that metaphysical way of thinking. Because trying to make sense of killing and maiming people you don’t know for elitists agendas doesn’t sit well with sanity.
When returning to civilization one is faced with general hostility and anti-American sentiment from leaders in our Government and the wealthy. Jesus Christ has come as Savior of the world , to redeem, save and heal men and women and restore them back to their intended value and worth before God. When Jesus sets people free, He breaks every chain that has put mankind in bondage, He opens up those whose minds have been blinded in despair and depression,
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