and reach out that’s obvious like you completely missed the message, Tom brady 12 thank you for the memories tumbler beloved. you sound as if “forgiveness,” is a made up word. because a person makes a mistake, you don’t throw them away. in a marriage, in a relationship, in family,
Tom brady 12 thank you for the memories tumbler
TRUE love. today we give up too easily. In these years we only put in 50% of our hearts because we’re scared of being hurt and need a scapegoat because in these times Society tells us that nothing lasts long and your self comes first. This man, by making this video, is inviting us to see things differently. Tom brady 12 thank you for the memories tumbler To not walk away so fast when someone messed up things or things seem different. If you think it’s not your responsibility to “fix” someone
that you say you love then I’m sorry but you don’t 100% love that person. Helping someone shouldn’t feel like a chore you should want to do it. Real love is like he said, it’s forgiveness and understanding. No ones selfless anymore. Everything we do has to be beneficial to our plan and if its showing signs that it’s not we just throw it away without a second thought. Just live life and when you fall get back. If something’s life threatening and/or abusive then ask help