the people that believe the lies can cause a tremendous amount of damage as Thanks for not pulling out dad shirt they are often manipulated into shaming the intended target into “just call them” or then ostracizing the target for refusing to follow the instructions, so these people become the “flying monkeys” of the narc
Thanks for not pulling out dad shirt
like the witch in the wizard of oz had those horriffic flying monkeys that did her bidding, so do the manipulated believers of the narcissists lies do the bidding of the nasty tricks of the narcissist- leaving the narc One of my children now in her 40’s said I just don’t want all the drama and stuff. I praise God Jesus didn’t feel that way. We will one day go to our forever home and will never have those feelings of not being loved Thanks for not pulling out dad shirt or even thought of. We can’t change them.
We can only ask God to give us peace about it and he will. It will all come back around to them one day. Maybe it will be the only time they fall on their knees. Please give it to God and have peace As for me, i find my mother’s voice and presence soothing.. I think all of my sister and brother do think the same way. We could talk to our mother for hours and usually it was her that would cut the conversation short so she can sleep or do other thing. If she knew I posted this she’ll be angry. it would give her another reason not to talk to me.
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