One comment (third down) argues that math is very necessary in art. Sweet victory spongebob squarepants shirt That talent alone will lead nowhere without contents that come from other discipline. I would like to hear your thoughts Denise Cormier Mahoney!
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Ive just recieved the rejection email from my dream school and it really really hurt. I feel like Im a failure when my friends are going to that school and have a prestigious degree and a better starting salary in the future. I did not know what to do , though I am still waiting for another school ‘s reply, and I saw this. I could not hold my tears back, thinking about all the effort spent on studying and still failed. But only for today ; I will be better tomorrow Sweet victory spongebob squarepants shirt My chemistry teacher once told me that i will never graduate high school that really broke me down ! And because of war I couldn’t graduate University! But i have great friends that support me no matter what! And because of that i never gave up! here i am now working in the best translation company in the world! Deployed to the Central first reception and identification Serveses in Greece!
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I told my girls all the way through their schooling not to stress about exams, its about how you conduct yourself, using initiative, working hard and being cheerful. They nailed it and ended up in great jobs without a stream of A’s to their names!! Ali Katie Slater Izzy Slater I feel so sorry for kids these days and we need to take the pressure of exam grades off them and give them some great apprenticeship opportunities to learn a craft. Sorry for rambling!! I m called to be a motivational speaker I need none of those. You really need the basics. Most kids get scared by the word exam because it reflects and defines them and it really doesn’t. We work off computers no text books anymore. It’s stupid. Not every job uses computers either. My daughter works at McDonald’s hasn’t finished school, starts back in June, she is already a manager and knows basic skills. It can be done!

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