However, what did occur to me as he was speaking, is that many of us had fathers like that decades ago. I certainly did… Sunflower you curse too much bitch you breathe too much shut the fuck up shirt and yes, I worked hard to try and please him. The first time he took me in his arms and said “I am proud of you” was when I achieved a massive accolade at work… I was 50!!
Sunflower you curse too much bitch you breathe too much shut the fuck up shirt
He had an abusive father, too many kids are abused. My mother ran from an abusive home when she didn’t even have a 9th grade education. She broke the cycle but suffered with depression and alcoholism for most of her life over her childhood. My parents really never praised me or made me feel like I was good enough until I was in my 50’s. Sunflower you curse too much bitch you breathe too much shut the fuck up shirt I used the experience as motivation to put myself through college and raise my son alone for a long time. Life is tough but it taught me “I CAN”. Too many people give up when the going gets tough! I needed this. I was successful. I recieved soo many rewards from the military.
Then another company won the contract. I stayed on knowing I could help this new company be great. I was beaten down, gas lites constantly for 8 years, far from home in Kuwait. Angry cause parents should never do this to their kids. Beyond happy at how this man become the inspiring man he has. He was so beat down, yet through his growth he’s going to teach and be his own mentor to others. Thank God for this man. So I see these stories and most of them have something similar, everyone had a mentor, everyone who’s showcased has atleast one person they credit with believing in them, what if you don’t have anyone like that? How do you do it alone?
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