That’s why alternative media is growing in popularity and being pushed back at by the big media corps. We are tired of senseless violence and despite the couple hundred or few thousands Some say I don’t play well with others american soldier shirt the media would offer as evidence to the contrary most American, North Americans and Europeans see through their never ending BS and are finally searching elsewhere for the truth..
Some say I don’t play well with others american soldier shirt
i really dont understand stereotyping by the to paris is 1 hour by air, it is one hour by air from lax (the nation of california) to phx (the nation of arizona) it is one hour by air from lax to sfo (in the same “nation” of california) it is one our by air from jfk to dul (crossing 3 nations to a district of columbia which is not a nation, and is not part of the usa as a city, state or nation, it is the district of columbia, and not south america columbia, time for you to research), it is 5 hours by air lax (nation of california) to jfk(nation of new york, not only nyc) it is 8 hours maputo mozambique to doha, qatar, 5 hours doha to london. whats the point? the usa is a melting pot, what do “we” actually look like to you? Some say I don’t play well with others american soldier shirt have you walked in any city in the usa recently? lol..white is a minority you are idiots! stop arguing over stupid things like this article which has no point at all and is not based in any facts, this is the problem with social media and insecure people without a life. get over yourselves. turn off your phone or laptop social medias for a week. omg you cant!! this entire website is a behavioral study research platform. lol! keep up the protagonist attitude..makes for great thesis fodder.
Enjoy your time and get your favorite tee

Infact, this is big thinking and big truth about U.S. aggression and war in different regions and countries. This is also the solution to end the so called war against terrorism. Let raise your voice for peace. Perhaps if third world countries would stop murdering their innocent civilians, we wouldn’t have to step in to stop them. It’s easy to point out the skin color of those were fighting, but he seems to be in the habit of ignoring the color of those we are protecting.
US actions are in agreement with the international community.. even when we are attacked directly without provocation killing international citizens, not only USA citizens, innocent international civilians working in NYC (9-11-01), then we will F-U up, you probably dont understand this, so i cant explain it to you as passive sheep. This is fueled by the unwilling passiveness of other countries to fix it internally themselves, corruption in politics, lazy or just liberal pacifists. All can say what you want freely because the US has protected and still protects your right to do so, if not, call China or Russia, not the USA for future aid.. It is not aggression, it is compassion and benevolence by each single US citizen through a vote of Congress and Senate

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