Seems you didn’t have much trust in the relationships you’ve been in. My last gf was friends with a few her exes and I never had any issues with her hanging out with them. Some dads like drinking with friends great dads go camping with daughter shirt Not everything has to be about hooking up and I wasn’t so insecure to freak out about it though, I don’t think you could say the same.
Some dads like drinking with friends great dads go camping with daughter shirt
They knew each other from before. I know you monogamous people are hysterical about your partners swing others, and want to stop as much love as you can, but to say that it is wrong to meet others you know from before is too much. Grow up! who’s to say it’s a date? Are you saying people cant get dinner with ex’s or friends and just catch up on life? While I was dating my ex I hung out with my friends granted they are female but regardless. Some dads like drinking with friends great dads go camping with daughter shirt If i had hung out with a guy friend that means nothing. she was literally eyeballing him because he looked like he had it together, she should have said she was in a relationship or said something to the affect that she and her boyfriend would love to meet him for supper
I’d think it was dam weird if my husband went out with an ex or a female friend without insisting I come along, guess I must think my husband of 17yrs is property I trust my husband of 17yrs to invite me to go with him if he got invited to go out with female I wasn’t acquainted with, just he trust me to do the same, that women didn’t mention once she was in a relationship , her intentions weren’t good yes many ex’s can be good friends but I will tell you right now they don’t hide they are in a relationship or not invite their significant other to hang out with them, if the significant says no that’s totally fine , point is both significant other and ex she be aware of each other, if not you are up to no good lol People on here are talking like re-connecting with an ex means you have to be hooking up. Catching up over a meal is not the same thing as hooking up with somebody.
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