That’s a thirsty, clingy woman then, problems will lurk in the future. A secure woman ready to love in a healthy way, also loves herself, Snoopy I have crohn’s disease I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you shirt and thus will be “compliant” to no one but herself. I love my man, but I don’t do 80, 50, or 30% of what he tells me to do, because I’m his woman, not child.
Snoopy I have crohn’s disease I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you shirt
Can’t romance be present in sacrifices? Can romantic feelings just be discarded In the on-going conversations on commitments, when high call of sacrifices are asked for? Let us be discerning. Otherwise, we possibly lose those romantic (loving) feelings that were unexpectedly present in the beginning of a relationship, that surprisingly stayed, that seem got lost leaving us in pain for a while but led us to and are sustaining our marriage, without sacrifices, Snoopy I have crohn’s disease I don’t have the energy to pretend I like you shirt with sacrifices. Most importantly bro’s, if your inner mind is telling you that its a one sided relationship or she’s not in love with you… My brother listen to your innermind. Dont argue with it
I think that what leads some men in to wrong relationship is bcos they don’t know it. When a lady is showing a man love he ran away thinking she desperate in having him I fell in love with a girl and she was also in love with me. She can call me five times daily and send me recharge cards without me asking for it. I also reciprocate. But recently she doesn’t call me as used to do before, all she does now is to flash me or telling me to send her recharge card. I also send. But my mind is telling me that she doesn’t love me again. Please guys what do you think of this?
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