I was in the air cadets for 4 years and I loved it, you get to go to camps, you learn about looking after and being proud of your uniform, Royal air force best dad ever shirt I got to fly a plane and meet real pilots of fighter jets, you make friends for life and it really boosts confidence in yourself! 100% recommend for young teenagers!
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You can learn a lot about engineering, math and technology if you keep going to school, university. If not, your country needs a better education system and not a bigger army. Hopefully this ads won’t show up in my feed agian Maths is plural, also, the word ‘this’ implies that you are talking about a singular item, and this is only one advert, so you shouldn’t have said “ads”. On top of that, you spelt again wrong. You also forgot to finish with a full stop… Royal air force best dad ever shirt Apart from that, the Royal Air Force is not part of the Army- even worse though- this is the Air cadets, not even the Air Force!!! Not to mention you basically said people can learn the same stuff by staying in education… Which is wrong, due to the fact there are some that learn better in physical environments, with work to do and regular training…
You need to look at the wider picture, instead of zooming in on one small aspect of it and completely misinterpreting it… Your comment seems that you have no idea what the Air Cadets are, and that you’re simply trying to use this as an excuse to tell the world that you dislike the military… All I can say to that, is good for you, but tell the people that care. It’s pointless going to the facebook advert for what is closer to a scouts group than an army and telling them that you don’t think we need a “bigger army” (I take it that means you don’t understand that people retire, and numbers need to be maintained too…) even though it has nothing to do with them.
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