It’s based on books of myths that create tribalism and bigotry – it succeeds, but is on the defensive these days A whack a noodle is the people Rainbow cat lgbt gay pride awareness shirt that fall for the fantastic fabulous fantasy book called the Bible that’s a whack a noodle I’m trying to be polite trust me I could have much more choice words.
Rainbow cat lgbt gay pride awareness shirt
why don’t homosexuals live their lives without homosexuality infiltrating every aspect of other people’s lives? The world was far more accepting of homosexuals before their lifestyles were forced upon everyone for the past 10 years. you are a special kind of ignorant aren’t you? When have straight people ever been persecuted or judged for their sexuality? Have you ever been beaten or killed or discriminated against for who you love? Rainbow cat lgbt gay pride awareness shirt Open your mind before you open your mouth. It is so much bigger than who you sleep with. Count your lucky stars you don’t have to fight for simple rights that everyone should be able to enjoy.
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No, it wasn’t. And if it was, like my son’s friend from the Congo said, those whose ancestors came here should be thanking their lucky stars for it because otherwise, they would be running for their lives over there. maybe you should take that up with your god then. Shouldn’t have made so many homosexual people and animals. In the meantime, your lame religious beliefs cannot be legislated in our laws.
Separation of church and state. Deal with it. You are incorrect. I get my beliefs straight from God’s word and it doesn’t matter what you think or I think. It’s what HE says! You love the sinner and hate the sin. Homosexuality in God’s eyes is an abomination and goes against His plan. God does NOT change! You really can’t argue with people who believe their “god” is on their side.
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