the story is just made to let people Punisher under armour full printing shirt know that snake type of friends cuddle you before injecting poison in you. So Here, in this story stretching of snake is being resembled with cuddling of snaly friends!
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Heard a story about a girl, husband, snake. Husband was Military and gone for long Periods of time. Snake wouldn’t eat, slept in a cozy basket at the foot of bed. Wife began waking with this very large snake laying next to girl! She was upset cause poor snake refused to eat. Took to herpetologist…he says, Punisher under armour full printing shirt “well the snake is sizing you up to eat you!!” This is a true story. oh wow. some of the comments are really interesting
and gives such a wonderful message like the message in the video that I read and it isn’t redundant at all reading those comments that has the same thought in the video When my mother was living she told me about how a man used to always let his sleep with him, and he went to vet they told him the same thing that is scary unfortunately pythons can and WILL eat you. A person I know keeps snakes and said they act purely on instinct which is survival. They don’t have personal attachments.