He’s my mayor and my neighbor. He is just as smart and genuine in person as you see in all these interviews. Pete buttigieg for president 2020 election shirt He starts from the place of what can we agree on and how do we build a community for everyone. Thanks for highlighting a truly terrific guy!
Pete buttigieg for president 2020 election shirt
how wonderful!! I’ve seen his interviews and was so sad for him on his father’s passing. He has some great ideas and I love his eclectic background and identity. He was on the Bill Maher show on Friday. Loved him! Loved him! Intelligent, articulate! level headed! Your fortunate to have him for Mayor. I hope he does well in the primaries and eliminates some of this deteris. i was a lifelong a Republican and left the party when a Trump became the nominee. I am really liking this Mayor Pete. He seems like someone who could help reunite the country, and he is the polar opposite of Trump. Pete buttigieg for president 2020 election shirt I would certainly vote for him , he is good looking and most certainly highly intelligent and most of all he is putting my country, Malta on the map. You go Pete Buttigieg
you must agree with the Popular Vote Interstate Compact? It’s where you vote in your state but it does not matter because your state’s electoral votes will be cast according to the popular vote of heavy populated states. Those heavy populated states will determine the Presidents forever. MANY people’s voice & vote will be stripped from them. All those illegals are Votes (Useful Tools or Useful Idiots) to Socialist communist democrat party. Slick Pete Gave ID to all our illegal population. He’s campaigning on open borders for votes, overthrowing our Constitutional Electoral College process, Socialist Single Payer Healthcare and going for the Socialist One World power grab. Met secretly with Obama last year. Last two years our local elections were tampered with and had voter fraud. Slick Pete is a train wreck into a third world country.
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