I’ve been so blessed to be able to take care of elderly people Personalized you are my sunshine night butterfly tumbler and it was less about the fixing and more about the commitment There are always rough goes, and I’ve wanted to walk away many times (I’m sure he did too).
Personalized you are my sunshine night butterfly tumbler
Nothing ever does! That’s life. This was a beautiful video your friend is very wise but like you said most men don’t think like that always looking for the next younger or more beautiful woman and that’s what and love yourself more than to accept less than. It takes a lot to learn that. Personalized you are my sunshine night butterfly tumbler I never said all men were abusive and cheaters. “I’m sorry you had a hard time”…. The point is to give yourself the respect you deserve
as a human being by walking away when someone doesn’t respect your value. Plain and simple. I disagree with feminism as much as I disagree with misogyny. Some people didn’t understand that. If the maker wanted to do a video on abuse and toxic relationships then I’m sure he will but this one is about love. and in in friendships, people mk mistakes…you do “fix,” them—together! listen you young,