and believing things that was wrong in my life Personalized trucker ride the wind tumbler and marriage was my doing, I don’t need that kind of love in my life it damages every thing that’s good in life, it’s like a virus,
Personalized trucker ride the wind tumbler
and many things go wrong, for example God said not to marry an unbeliever there’s a standard there he knows why he gave us that rule simply because marrying an unbeliever will not understand our heart our passion our mission and our love for mankind and God…that in itself cuts off so much misunderstandings, fights Personalized trucker ride the wind tumbler and resentment so Deniz Felix Tinoco I agree with you on we need to keep learning and improving ourselves to be better people towards our relationships and society
when we have the ability to keep learning towards being better human beings having compassion, humanity and conscience I think that in itself will resolve lots of problems…God gives us guidelines to benefit us not to constrict us to have a better and more meaningful relationships…God bless words right out of my heart , not all things can be fixed or forgiven, it’s taken me nearly 25 years to fix and forgive my self for feeling guilty