you shouldn’t have to tell your daughter in law to take care of your son like if she was his son. You should have told them both now that you are married you take care of each other. OVO records drake CEO baby I’m the boy shirt And you should never put your nose in any of their business. Unless they ask for advice and is just advice let them figure it out for themselves.
OVO records drake CEO baby I’m the boy shirt
your sons should take care of themselves and there wife. A wife is not her husband surrogate mother she is his wife. The wifes parents most likely hope her husband will take care of her. When we get married we uphold OUR wedding vowels. But i have never the part where wife should care for husband as his mother does. If i want a son i would have one which i do. When i got married i wanted a man not a boy i already gave him a son. OVO records drake CEO baby I’m the boy shirt You my dear are a selfish piece of shit. Mind your own bussiness and let them be. You sound kinky to me.
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He the man he supposed to be the provider and be helping his wife it’s not her job to be taking care of a grown ass man and plus they are married the only time your nose should be in they buisness is if you are asked for advice it’s pay the cost to be the boss you can’t control what you ain’t helping support he that maketh the gold make it the rule and clearly he ain’t making the gold his wife is cause she taking care of him. I mean with that response, its evident you didn’t raise your son right. You had to bring someone’s weight or appearance into the conversation to put them down in order to make yourself feel better. That is so tragic. Wow you really are a sorry excuse for a woman, and a ass backwards human being too, I truly hope your daughter in law sees the light and leaves your son, cause if I had a mother in law like you… There’s no telling what I’d do. Control his wife… Is that what your husband did to you?
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