Those who criticized need to look at that good they have done in this word. If it you have done as much then you are a Saint also. If you have not Original teenage mutant ninja turtles pizza dudes got 30 seconds shirt done anything but criticized those who have please keep your thoughts to yourself they are not in our Gods interest
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My two cents…Mother Teresa did the best she could do with what she had. I’m not saying funds were not mismanaged…because let’s face it, usually there’s always someone that will take all they can get….but that money was not going in her pocket. If it was she would have lived a life of luxury. As far as her receiving treatment and others didn’t…I honestly believe if she didn’t have people around her getting that care for her she wouldn’t have. Original teenage mutant ninja turtles pizza dudes got 30 seconds shirt That doesn’t mean she took pain meds, etc. that’s speculation unless you have proof. You also have to see the bigger picture…pain and suffering is short lived in the flesh compared to what awaits you in heaven. Was she perfect, absolutely not and she’d be the first to tell anyone that I’m sure. We all sin, we are human. The main point is she brought a lot of help and hope to others.
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So where’s the money now or did she take it with her when she died. Nobody knows the truth. But one thing I do know for sure. Mothers Teresa and her Sisters all lived in poverty and still do. Why I know this is because I was there, living and working with the sisters for a good 6 months. They all do the best they can with the little they have. God bless Mother Teresa and her Missionaries of Charity. worked tirelessly careing for the poor n needy, this work is still carrying on to this day. Why do people have to criticise let God be her judge, try n do good where you can instead of nasty criticism. She paid the dowry of all her orphaned girls,that is the custom in India,no man will marry a femail without one.And she made them also promise they would adopted a child at the orphanage after they were married. She loved the children as if they were her own.Thus MOTHER Teresa.

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