not all kids are capable of preparing dinners for themselves. I wouldn’t let my sons cook on the stoves either. My mother did my hair when I was her age too. Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved skulls and had tattoos shirt I can do my hair now. It’s easier for someone else to do a girl’s hair. But like others have said that is not the point of this video.
Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved skulls and had tattoos shirt
how many understand the child is not the focus point! She is a by stander to the point that marriage and children are team work! A partnership that makes Mom more appropriated by Dad because he helps! Makes Mom appreciate Dad more have more time for Dad because he helps! This is the whole point of the video! Those who focus on that child can’t be focused on the Appreciation of your spouse! Making your marriage better! Once upon a time there was a girl who really loved skulls and had tattoos shirt That’s the whole point of video! I don’t care how much I wait on my kids I have 4 of them. I don’t care how much my husband waits on our kids! Or how much kids wait on their self’s! I appreciate the fact my children are happy feed and playing! I appreciate my husband’s help it makes me Love him deeper and to have more qaulity time with him and kids makes me a appreciated Wife and mother!
Enjoy your time and get your favorite tee

Any man that says to his wife it is all your job the house work and the kids cooking cleaning is your job! I did mine I went to work to pay bills around here! Hahaha he wouldn’t be living in my house or sleeping in my bed! No on other hand if he pulls his weight helps with everything! I be happy to have him in my home and in my bed! Love is a partnership! I would have more time for him! He wouldn’t be hearing I’m to tired leave me alone! My day was bad! This is the point the whole video! Appreciation qaulity time family time! yes of course I agree with you. Many kids should be taught that. But all kids are different. I was taught all those things how to cook, clean, and do my hair. But doing a girl’s hair is very different. Like I said my mother used to do my hair for me. I wanted a braid she did that for me. Men should learn how to do a girl’s hair too. I have three boys 11, 4 and 3. I don’t have a girl. But if I did I would teach her lots of things but I would also do her hair and make her lunch.

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