Just remember they are your children and nobody loves them more than you do decide what is best for your children and do not allow school to tell you how good or bad your kids are. Netflix and choke me shirt Find the hidden talents in your children and help them to follow their heart so that they can have a happy and fulfilled life.
Netflix and choke me shirt
for raising this issue and giving future artists a chance. We have done such a disservice to art and future artist by devaluing the contribution art makes to our lives. Artists do need to learn how to write well so they can market their work and do math so the can manage their business. Your philosophy will in fact enable future artists to make a good living. Netflix and choke me shirt And society will benefit in so many ways if we all place a higher value on handmade heartfelt art than we do on tchotchke from Target. I was training a new teacher to take over my class because I was going to give birth and take a break. One day, one of my students was not focused in class and playing with her pencil while the other teacher was doing a demo class. The teacher called on the girl to answer the question and the girl just froze. Mind you, this girl was a 2nd grader. The teacher then had the audacity to say “with your grades, you should be paying attention.
I am a doctor and I was able to work hard enough to get decent grades but I think anybody can do it. Art is a talent you are born with art school can polish your skills but can’t teach you to be an artist. You are an artist by birth. Yes we can learn Medicine, engineering etc. and excellent in our fields but to be an artist we must have it in us. I envy all artists and respect them. Both my kids are engineers but I have more respect for their artistic side. We as parents are driven by societal pressures so we let the school take control of our children. You got an F in your last exam didn’t you?”.
The student looked horrified and as if she was holding in her tears. I was mortified. I called her to the side and told her how this was unacceptable behavior. I then reported her to school. Of course they did nothing about it. Fast forward 3 months later she was fired from multiple reports from parents. It was just a ridiculous situation and I am still saddened and affected by it. I also took this student to the side after class to tell her how amazing she was. She cried the day I left and kept hugging me and telling me not to leave. I totally understand that there are some terrible teachers.
Have a nice time and go shopping
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