Also look at the facts of the teaching of Islam. Homosexuality is considered a crime punishable by death. Neapolitan mastiff ruff night shirt Sure there have been some killing by crazy christians but other christians around them turned them in and reported freaks that would want to harm others . Muslims do not report on other Muslims.
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Its there ideology that must change but when we have Hillary and her wall street backing keeping the status qoe, it will never happen. I was praying that Bernie would take down Hillary but the DNC and George Soros would NEVER let that happen. I like the message, the caption though “Hate has no religion” is a potentially deluding statement. Neapolitan mastiff ruff night shirt Hate doesn’t even exist, individuals who commit hateful acts are acting in ignorance of their true self. It hurts us to hurt others. Please don’t meet hate with more hate.
You can’t ask people to not judge you on your sexual orientation then turn around and judge them by their religion. We’re all individuals. We all need to stop generalizing and just love people where they are from where we are. Extremist of any religion are not born, they are made, with Fear, Hate, Bigotry and Ignorance . If we dealt with those as a whole, things like this wouldn’t happen.Without true change, things like this are going to continue humanity will be doomed, and we only have ourselves to blame. People need to remember that white people have also committed acts of terror in the USA….
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